Posts Tagged ‘master cinema series’

Ok so when we think of Shane Hurlbut, we think of Terminator Salvation – Big TIME! Not truly independent in nature, but as you will see from this post, he is thinking about the indie filmmaker. He’s joined up with letus to create the Master Cinema Series collection that caters to the DSLR Filmmaker! At first looking at it I was like wow this is gonna be a lot of dineros. But it’s actually not as bad as I thought at first.

Vimeo member Tom Guilmette posted a great video commentary about the launch and guess what, some of my favorites were there too. Vincent Laforet and even Ryan “The Film Riot” Connoly. I love it. Why you ask, was Ryan there, well Ryan maintains that his job is to teach us indie filmmakers not be indie all our lives. 🙂 Well something like that in a nut shell! To see him there was awesome! I guess I need to get out more!

Well enjoy the videos

Maybe I’ll be making one soon of my new toys in action…when I get them…

Happy Filmmaking!

Here is the Letus Master Series site